
Lighthouse Academy is the first academy in the Middle East that focuses on academic education as an “international medium” of communication and culture between people and nations.
Lighthouse Academy is the first academy in Syria that provide international courses and accreditation degrees.
Lighthouse Academy is the only academy in the Middle East that provides an international bridge for international students.
Lighthouse Academy is the only academy that makes vocational education an “international process” so that students may understand and participate in classes regardless of their geographical location.
Lighthouse Academy offers programs to all international students regardless of their religion, race, affiliationو ethnicities or geographical location
Lighthouse Academy allows trainers and lecturers to take part in the educational process.
Lighthouse Academy supports publication as merit and prospect.
Lighthouse Academy deals with all international students and provides technical and live support to students and faculty in more than 15 languages.
Lighthouse Academy participates in the creation of an international scientific renaissance.
Lighthouse Academy is the first academy in the Middle East that tries to build up thinkers, writers, teachers, and professors all over the world regardless of their geographical location.
Lighthouse Academy is the only academy in the Middle East that provides more than 222 courses, academic, and vocational program to be taught for students.